Collaborate Good Times Come On
It takes a village to raise a baby. Online music collaboration isn’t anything new, but let’s be honest, tools for those of us serious enough about our craft to be spending late nights on Gearsluts trading compressors are few and far between. Most online music collaboration tools are made for the masses. Not Trackbits though, no sir.
Branded client portal
Added project security through your own Client Portal
Discuss comments
Clarify what your client means with threaded comment discussions
Direct emails
Send emails straight to your clients inbox with mail integration
Get up and running fast
Create a New Project
First off, we respect that whether you’re in a purpose built or home studio, you’re a professional and professionals need to organise their shit. That’s why Trackbits is built around the concept of projects to share and collaborate on feedback. A project could be a demo, a single, an EP or an album – it’s completely up to you.
- Assign to clients
- Share it, or keep it private

Simple sahring
Share With a Link
One Link to rule them all, One Link to find them, One Link to bring them all and in the darkness… (no hang on, wrong quote) and in Trackbits get them collaborating! Every project has a share link which you can hand out to your clients like candy via email, Wechat, Snapchat, Facebook – really anywhere they hang out.
- Multiple links
- Optional password protection

Control yo' links
Take It Back
Worried that your mum has gotten hold of that link and is secretly posting positive comments to make you feel better about the fact that you chose music production over an illustrious and well paid career in finance? Just reset that share code to take away her access!
- Disable links on a per link basis

Discuss feedback with clients
Track discussions is pretty much the best thing since the introduction of four-band EQ on the Solid State Logic E Series back in 1983. We would have said sliced bread but even producers have to eat. Want to say “Thanks” for that positive bit of feedback? Or say “No, I will not ruin your vocals by Melodyne-ing the crap out of them”? You can discuss, convince, argue, celebrate and collaborate on anything and everything with Track Discussions.
- Threaded discussions on comments

Get the conversation flowing
Unlimited Commenters
Online music collaboration isn’t for the faint of heart. Anyone who has the link and entered their name, can join in on the discussion action. Maybe the guitarist wants the guitar turned up (surprise, surprise!), the singer wants the guitar solo cut and the bass player rocked up after the whole band signed off and you reset the share code. Nope, you’re about a 1/8 note too late buddy… like always!
- Support for shared links
- Support for clients

Keep track of client approvals
There comes a time in every project’s life when you must convince a client to let go of all of their fears of failure and imperfection and sign off on a track. This process is most likely the inspiration for Kermit The Frog’s song, “It’s not easy being green”.
- Client can sign off
- Sign off on behalf of your client
- Void a sign off